Posts by leng123
Day 3: Closing Remarks with Jennifer Gray Thompson
Day 3: Closing Remarks with Jennifer Gray Thompson “We are not hopeless against mega-fires. We are not hopeless against the era of climate change. We can do these things together because we are daring to hope and to help each other.” —Jennifer Gray Thompson 2024 WILDFIRE LEADERSHIP SUMMIT As we bring this…
Read MoreDay 3: KEYNOTE: Aloha, Hello and Goodbye with Kuʻuleinani Maunupau
Day 3: KEYNOTE: Aloha, Hello and Goodbye with Kuʻuleinani Maunupau “Aloha does not mean hello and goodbye. Aloha has a much deeper meaning of love and respect. Hello to the return of our Indigenous kupuna knowledge and goodbye to the profit-making capitalistic colonization types of thinking that put profit over people.” —Ku’uleinani Maunupau …
Read MoreDay 3: TALK STORY: IBHS Wildfire Prepared Home Program: The Road to Implementation with Amanda West and Mark Vaughn
Day 3: TALK STORY: IBHS Wildfire Prepared Home Program: The Road to Implementation with Amanda West and Mark Vaughn “We’re not powerless. We are not powerless against wildfire. We know what we need to do.” —Amanda West “I try not to use the word remove. Just move them. You can have plants. You…
Read MoreDay 3: KEYNOTE: Funding Disaster Recovery Through a CDFI with Emily Nilsen
Day 3: KEYNOTE: Funding Disaster Recovery Through a CDFI with Emily Nilsen “As the recovery process continues, you have to continue to adapt.” —Emily Nilsen 2024 WILDFIRE LEADERSHIP SUMMIT Disaster recovery is a complex challenge, but innovative lenders are stepping up to the plate. Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) like Impact Development…
Read MoreDay 3: KEYNOTE: Empowering Heirs: Fannie Mae’s Program for Retaining Ownership and Returning Home After Disaster with Tim Carpenter
Day 3: KEYNOTE: Empowering Heirs: Fannie Mae’s Program for Retaining Ownership and Returning Home After Disaster with Tim Carpenter “Home ownership is about stability. Homeownership is about building wealth. Homeownership is about families. But if you don’t have a clear title, you don’t know if that stability is going to be there.” —Tim Carpenter…
Read MoreDay 3: PANEL: Federal Advocacy: Championing Megafire Communities and Raising Awareness in DC
Day 3: PANEL: Federal Advocacy: Championing Megafire Communities and Raising Awareness in DC “How you frame your argument is how you get them to listen.” —Jeff Okrepkie “We’re willing to help anybody out that is going through this now or in the future.” —Steve Crowder “There’s no playbook when it comes to…
Read MoreDay 3: TALK STORY: State-Level Perspectives: Future-Proofing Recovery Senator Angus McKelvey and Senator Troy Hashimoto
Day 3: TALK STORY: State-Level Perspectives: Future-Proofing Recovery Senator Angus McKelvey and Senator Troy Hashimoto This recovery is slow, it’s painful, and it’s costly. We need patience, and aloha, and support because we’re all in this together.” —Angus McKelvey “We have a lot of challenges moving forward, and it’s figuring out the strategy…
Read MoreDay 3: WORKSHOP: Paying It Forward: Creating a Community of Practice for Long-Term Fire Recovery
Day 3: WORKSHOP: Paying It Forward: Creating a Community of Practice for Long-Term Fire Recovery “Trust is so important to building a community of practice. And part of that trust comes from understanding where people are and where they stand.” —Michael McCormick “Once the scene is stabilized and we start to clean things…
Read MoreDAY 3! From Flames to Futures: Navigating Wildfire Leadership with Hope and Resilience with Jennifer Gray Thompson
DAY 3! From Flames to Futures: Navigating Wildfire Leadership with Hope and Resilience with Jennifer Gray Thompson “It’s not enough just to give, you have to always receive as well with the same grace and gratitude and aloha.” —Jennifer Gray Thompson “Aloha is boundless, and we know that Aloha reaches all shores and…
Read MoreDay 2: KEYNOTE: Ohana Means More Than Family: Maui’s Response Through the Lens of Cultural Values with Kainoa Horcajo
Day 2: KEYNOTE: Ohana Means More Than Family: Maui’s Response Through the Lens of Cultural Values with Kainoa Horcajo “Indigenous values can shift how we deal with disasters.” —Kainoa Horcajo 2024 WILDFIRE LEADERSHIP SUMMIT Disaster recovery isn’t just about rebuilding infrastructure— it’s about honoring the deep connections between people and place. Principles…
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