Day 2: TALK STORY: From Ashes to Allies: Local Government Leaders Discuss Mutual Aid and Best Practices Post-Megafires

Day 2: TALK STORY: From Ashes to Allies: Local Government Leaders Discuss Mutual Aid and Best Practices Post-Megafires   “There’s no greater power, no greater strength, and no greater drive to persevere than when you’re fighting for your family and you’re fighting for your home, even in the face of insurmountable odds.” —Josiah Nishita  …

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Day 1: TALK STORY: The Maui Fires and Leadership with ʻĀina at the Center

Day 1: TALK STORY: The Maui Fires and Leadership with ʻĀina at the Center   “We were rendering aid— food, medical, and those immediate needs until such that the government arrived. So we were in operation for 30 days.” —Kalikolehua Storer   “Hard decisions had to be made that day. My daughter would grab the…

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