After the Fire: Recover. Rebuild. Reimagine. Supports Social Justice & Racial Equity
Rebuild NorthBay Foundation, our parent organization, was born in the midst of overwhelming destruction, grief, loss, and a desire to see our region recover better, safer, greener, faster. Disasters do not care about race or class when they occur, but the recovery and rebuild from disasters is grossly unequal and exposes fissures at all levels of society. Though we are not a social equity organization in our mission, we strongly believe in the call to DO equity, therefore we direct resources to organizations doing important and effective work in social justice. We are committed to the long-term recovery and rebuild of this region, this state, and this country – for everyone – equally — always.
COVID-19 has been and continues to be a new type of disaster. This disaster is unfolding over a number of months globally, and we do not yet have the science and information to predict all aspects. Unlike an earthquake or wildfire, this disaster moves invisibly, yet the destruction is far greater than what we have previously experienced. The one aspect of this disaster that is exactly the same as all disasters: people of color are disproportionately affected in the response and will be in the recovery.
This pandemic has shone a bright light on the inequities and as a country, we are called collectively to become first responders for humanity. If we are to be successful, we must commit to the long-term hard work of supporting racial justice and equity. We know from experience that support without commitment is ineffective and temporal; but commitment with support is evolutionary and effective.
Download pdf RNBF Social Justice and Racial Equity Statement with links to Bay Area Organizations, California-Focused Organizations and National Organizations list that the Napa Valley Community Organization compiled.
Together, we can rise to meet this moment.
Sincerely yours,
Judy Coffey, Board President
Jennifer Gray Thompson, Executive Director
Policy and Financial Documentation
As a tax-exempt nonprofit, Rebuild NorthBay Foundation upholds the values of transparency and accountability as a matter of ethical administration, as well as, legal compliance. Below are links to internal policy documents.
- Conflict of Interest Policy
- Document Retention and Destruction Policy
- Financial Policy
- Statement of Nondiscrimination & Policy
- Whistleblower Protection Policy
2020 tax documents, per IRS requirements.
- Rebuild NorthBay Foundation a 501 C3 Organization 2020 Form 990
- Rebuild NorthBay a 501 C4 Organization 2020 Form 990
2019 tax documents, per IRS requirements.
- Rebuild NorthBay Foundation a 501 C3 Organization 2019 Form 990
- Rebuild NorthBay a 501 C4 Organization 2019 Form 990
2018 tax documents, per IRS requirements.
- Rebuild NorthBay Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization – 2018 Form 990
- Rebuild NorthBay, a 501(c)(4) organization – 2018 Form 990
- Rebuild NorthBay Audit Fiscal Year 2017-2018
We have been awarded the Guide Star 2020 Gold Star Seal of Transparency.