Our Story
In October 2017, a massive wildfire devastated the California North Bay Counties of Sonoma, Napa, Lake and Mendocino. Our CEO, Jennifer Gray Thompson, along with so many others, lived through the disaster and wanted to help. People came together to listen, learn and do what they could to contribute to the recovery of the area.
Local leaders and organizations from every sector rallied to help the region recover. In response to these needs, Rebuild NorthBay Foundation (RNBF) was established by a group of determined individuals to provide a 360-degree view and support of our region's recovery.
Convening Communities for Wildfire Recovery
We are in the Era of Megafire -- a climate based crisis that requires we both mitigate the conditions as well as respond to thse communities devastated by wildfires. Under RNBF, we administrate fuels management programs. Under After the Fire USA, we advocate, educate, collaborate, and coach local leaders in recovery.
For five years, we have led the efforts to recover, rebuild and reimagine. In 2018, we began paying our lessons forward to help leaders in the Camp and Woolsey Fire. Since then, we have worked with every megafire affected community in California, Oregon, and Washington.
In 2022, we held our largest convening ever with 126 organizations across the United States + Canada met for three days to share a 360-degree view of wildfire recovery, mitigation, and innovation.
Supporting and Mentoring Emergent Leaders
Since November 2018 we have been the pre-eminent leaders in organizing people to problem solve, advocate, and help newly fire affected communities chart a path to recovery.
From Sonoma County to Paradise to Malibu to Boulder and beyond, we have innovated locally and advocated federally for the urgent needs of wildfire effected communities. We bring leaders from public, nonprofit and private sectors to the table to make progress.
We continue to mentor emergent leaders in wildfire affected areas as well as support collaboration across all sectors.
Sharing Strategies for Recovery After Wildfire
The past five years have brought megafires from Santa Cruz to Oregon to Colorado, impacting communities. Our roll is to coach and support LOCAL leadership to design and lead their own recoveries. We don't allow heroes or saviors on our rolls.
Through interacting with survivors from these communities, we have collaboratively developed frameworks for effective leadership across sector, communication across communities and amplified voices to call for systemic solutions.
RNBF established After The Fire: Recover. Rebuild. Reimagine.™ initiative.
We are in a systemic State of Emergency to both prevent and respond to megafire disasters in the American West.
We align ourselves with experienced wildfire leaders working together across sectors to expand access to wildfire resiliency, disaster recovery funds, tools and systems.
Serving. Leading. Delivering Hope.
Megafire is a solvable issue.