2 people and a dog walking on a trail in an oak forest

NBFIP Resources

Prescriptions and Cap Rates - An explanation of the treatment practices offered through NBFIP and the costs covered by the program.

NBFIP Project Ranking - An explanation of how we rank project implementation applications received.

Project Implementation Application - A PDF version of the application for those who want to know what to expect in the online application. 

NBFIP Flyer - An informational flyer about the program that can be shared with others.

StoryMap - Check out completed and in progress NBFIP projects throughout the four counties.

Downloadable NBFIP information - A PDF version of the information about NBFIP found on the website.

Proposition 68 Wildfire Resilience and Forestry Assistance Grant Guidelines  

Wildfire Resilience and Forestry Assistance Grant Guidelines