ONLINE EVENT: Solving for Toilets in Wildfire Rebuilding and Recovery
Friday, September 24, 10:00-11:30 AM Pacific Time, via ZOOM
Considerations for Non-Septic, Non-Sewer Alternative Toilets in Rebuild Areas
What innovations in alternative toilet designs and technologies could help get wildfire rebuilders back home quicker, more sustainably, with a significant cost savings, too? What kind of alternatives to septic and sewer are allowed in rebuilds today? How might new options be especially helpful in rural areas or in places with difficult terrain?
Join us for a lively conversation all about toilets!
With special guests from the CZU Complex Fire Zone:
Dave Reid, Analyst, County of Santa Cruz Office of Response, Recovery & Resilience
Laura Allen, Founding Member of Greywater Action
Laura Allen is the co-founder of Greywater Action and the author of the The Water-Wise Home: How to Conserve and Reuse Water in Your Home and Landscape. Laura educates about onsite water reuse and waterless composting toilets. She’s had a composting toilet in her home for the past 15 years. She is on the technical advisory committee for the International Association of Mechanical and Plumbing Officials’ (IAPMO) Water Efficiency Standard (We-STAND) and is on the board of the California Onsite Water Association.
Creedence Shaw, CZU Fire Survivor and Active Community Leader and Volunteer
Gina Gentzler, CZU Fire Survivor and Owner, 3 Sisters 3 Corners
ZOOM LINK to Join the Session Live
Meeting ID: 824 6285 6125, Passcode: 206937
This session will be recorded, and we will post the video on our YouTube Channel
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