The Milestones in the Long Term Recovery from Wildfire
Anyone who has experienced wildfire understands the road to recovery after is long and complex both for individual survivors, but for the community as a whole as well. Our Wildfire Leadership Summit offered an opportunity for wildfire community leaders to gather around the table with others who have been through this from different times and different places. Some were from rural communities, and others more suburban. Some areas had seen repeated fire year after year, while others were less than a year or two after their first major disaster. These leaders were from Northern and Southern California, Oregon and Colorado.
The group discussions and information sharing gave us an opportunity to look at what was happening in years 1-5 (and more) after wildfire, and populate a makeshift timeline of key milestones over the long term recovery. We also asked not just what the milestones were, but also what obstacles were they facing in order to achieve these things, and what resources were essential to making them achievable.
From Sticky Notes and Posterboard to Virtual Bulletin Board
We pasted this information on posterboards with sticky notes at the Summit, and have since transcribed them onto a virtual bulletin board (using the website Padlet). We want this information to be available to anyone to explore, but with this site it is also possible to add your own milestone information to the board as well. There are three boards embedded below to explore.
If you are from a wildfire community, you may post a milestone and add to this data collection. If you do post, be sure to include all the info requested: Wildfire Name, Location, Date of Fire, Milestone Description, Obstacle to Overcome and Resources that made it possible. Note, All the posts are moderated before going public.