Our Programs

a man and a woman standing in front of an old antique green truck talking outdoors

Community Navigation Post-Megafire 

We DEPLOY into wildfire communities to listen, learn, serve, navigate

We CONNECT community leaders with resources, tools, peer support, and a robust network



Group of people in an office shaking hands over table

We Advocate. We Educate.

We Go Together to Create Change in Washington DC

We Bring Together Leaders from Multiple Megafires

We Educate Lawmakers & Agencies on Wildfire


grassy forest with bare trees

We Innovate. We Mitigate.

We create new systems for resiliency

We administrate a forest mitigation resiliency program



Our parent non-profit organization is Rebuild NorthBay Foundation (RNBF).

In partnership with the five Resource Conservation Districts (RCDs) of Sonoma, Mendocino, Lake, and Napa counties and Clear Lake Environmental Research Center, is offering the North Bay Forest Improvement Program to forest landowners across the four-county North Bay region.  This pilot program is made possible thanks to $5M in funding via a CALFIRE Wildfire Resilience and Forestry Assistance grant. Read more about this program.

Program News

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Day 2-6: Fannie Mae and Post-Disaster Development of Affordable Housing: Case Study | Sidra Goldwater & Seana O’Shaughnessy

Post-disaster development of affordable housing is a crucial aspect of rebuilding communities and ensuring their long-term resilience. This involves collaborating with government agencies, non-profit organizations, and private stakeholders to develop innovative and sustainable solutions.  Get in on the conversation as Sidra Goldwater, a Disaster Recovery & Rebuilding Advisor for Fannie Mae, and Seana O’Shaughnessy, the…

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Day 2-5: Beyond the Norm: Fannie Mae’s Alignment with Frontline Communities in Driving Resiliency | Sidra Goldwater

Fannie Mae is a government-sponsored enterprise that works to facilitate affordable housing in the United States. It purchases mortgages from lenders, bundles them into mortgage-backed securities, and sells them to investors. This replenishes lenders’ cash so they can originate new mortgages and helps create homeownership and rental opportunities for millions of Americans. Fannie Mae aims…

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Day 2-4: Q&A Session | Julie Shiyou-Woodard & Alister Watt

With each new wildfire season, the urgency to protect lives and property grows. This entails integrating fire-resistant materials, applying proper vegetation management strategies, and following stringent building codes and regulations. But how can we implement these in our communities? Tune in as Smart Home America Founder Julie Shiyou-Woodard and IBHS Chief Production Officer Alister Watt…

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Day 2-3: Wildfire Prepared Home: Living with Fire | Alister Watt

Wildfires have become increasingly rampant in recent years, posing a significant threat to our communities and natural environments. As a result, adapting to living with wildfires has become more important than ever. One impactful measure in this regard is the construction of Wildfire Prepared Homes.   The Insurance Institute for Home and Business Safety (IBHS) is…

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Day 2-2: Powering the Present: Climate-Resilient Housing Solutions for Today and Tomorrow | Julie Shiyou-Woodard

As the frequency and intensity of climate-related events continue to rise, it has become exceedingly crucial to adapt our housing infrastructure to withstand these challenges. Hence, shifting toward climate-resilient housing is an imperative step in our pursuit of sustainable and resilient communities. This transformation not only ensures the safety and well-being of homeowners but also…

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Day 2-1: Navigating the New Normal— Land, Housing, Insurance, and Public Policy in the Age of Climate Change | Jennifer Gray Thompson

    The impact of climate change extends far beyond rising temperatures and extreme weather events. It affects communities and individuals, altering their daily lives and threatening their sense of security. Therefore, it is crucial to develop policies that promote resilient infrastructure, affordable housing, and accessible insurance options. By acknowledging the emotional and financial toll…

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Day 1-9: Project: CAMP Care for Children and Families + Resilient Communities | Mikey Latner

    Disasters, unfortunately, do not discriminate, and they can strike at any moment, leaving families in dire need of assistance. Therefore, ensuring the safety and well-being of our most vulnerable members—our children— becomes an urgent priority. By offering a safe and supportive environment for children, we can not only alleviate the burden on parents…

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Day 1-8: Casting a Safety Net— Navigating Individual Assistance in the Wake of Disasters | Anne Whatley (Moderator), Claire Balsley (Panelist), Melissa Bauer (Panelist), & Kate Bulger (Panelist)

    When disasters strike, the aftermath is often overwhelming. Countless individuals find themselves in dire need of assistance to get back on their feet. However, the process of seeking aid from different organizations can be incredibly bureaucratic and intimidating for many. No one should feel lost or helpless in the face of disaster. That’s…

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Day 1-7: Animals in Crisis— Ensuring the Well-being and Safety of Companion Animals During Disasters | Julie Atwood & Wendy Nystrom

    The emotional bond between humans and animals is undeniable, and it’s our responsibility to ensure that they receive the care and attention they deserve during times of crisis. By advocating for comprehensive disaster planning that includes provisions for companion animals, we can protect not only the lives of our loyal companions but also…

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Day 1-6: Mental Resilience for Leaders in Disaster— Prioritizing Self-Care and Well-being | Jolie Wills

    In times of disaster, leaders bear the weight of responsibility on their shoulders. They are expected to make difficult decisions, keep a calm demeanor, and guide their teams through chaos. However, amidst the chaos, it is crucial for leaders to prioritize their own well-being and practice mental resilience. Taking care of oneself is…

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Day 1-5: Rebuilding Together— Unleashing the Power of Regional Philanthropy in Disaster Recovery at Every Stage | Tatiana Hernandez

    In the realm of disaster philanthropy, it is crucial to re-evaluate what we consider as “best practices” in providing aid and support. While immediate relief efforts undoubtedly play a crucial role in alleviating the immediate suffering caused by a disaster, our focus should extend beyond the momentary headlines. By recognizing the importance of…

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Day 1-4 From Heart to Hand— Mastering the Art of Effective Donations | Jim Alvey

    In the wake of a devastating wildfire, it is natural for our hearts to ache and our hands to reach out in compassion. However, in our eagerness to help those affected, it is crucial to master the art of effective donations, steering clear of inadvertently causing a secondary disaster. We must understand the…