After the Fire Delegation Zooms to DC to Meet with Electeds Regarding Wildfire
During the fall of 2021, After the Fire hosted an ongoing virtual advocacy delegation of local elected officials, non-profit leaders, and community members to meet with our country’s senators and representatives regarding wildfire. Advocacy in the era of COVID-19 has shifted these kinds of meetings from in person in Washington DC, to a new virtual platform.
Thank you to the Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s staff, Senator Dianne Feinstein, Representative Mike Thompson, Representative Jared Huffman, and others for their time and willingness to discuss:
- Climate Change Induced Wildfire Declarations
- Federal Funding Opportunities
- Comprehensive Housing Policy Post-Wildfire Disaster
- Funding Opportunities for More Healthy Forests
It was an exceptional opportunity to convene so many of the American West's leaders in this work and elevate their voices to a national level. We raised real issues that impact communities across our country and look forward to being a thought partner in building the solutions moving forward.
The delegation was comprised of:
- Jennifer Gray Thompson, CEO, After the Fire
- Charles Brooks, COO, After the Fire
- Judy Coffey, Board President, After the Fire
- Margaret Van Vliet, Founder and Principal, Trillium Advisors, LLC
- Michael Mondavi, Board Member, After the Fire
- Larry Florin, Board Member, After the Fire
- Belia Ramos, Supervisor, Napa County Board of Supervisors
- Bill Dodd, Senator, California State Senate
- Mike McGuire, Senator, California State Senate
- Lynda Hopkins, Supervisor, Sonoma County Board of Supervisors
- Jessica Pyska, Supervisor, Lake County Board of Supervisors
- Moke Simon, Supervisor, Lake County Board of Supervisors
- Bruno Sabatier, Supervisor, Lake County Board of Supervisors
- Lane Tompkins, Superintendent/Principal, McKenzie School District
- Joe Moll, Executive Director, McKenzie Watershed Project
- Brandi Ferguson, AD of Philanthropy, McKenzie River Trust
- Jacob Fox, Executive Director, Lane County Homes for Good Housing Authority
- Reno Franklin, Board Member, After the Fire
- Trina Cunningham, Executive Director, Maidu Summit Consortium
- Belinda Brown, Tribal Partnerships Director, Lomakatsi Restoration Project
- Marko Bey, Executive Director, Lomakatsi Restoration Project

Virtual delegation meeting conducted on Zoom with Representative Jared Huffman was one of many that After the Fire organized during the Fall of 2021