After the Fire USA 2022 Wildfire Leadership Summit Recap

The After the Fire USA 2022 Wildfire Leadership Summit was our most ambitious convening ever. We did a smaller version with Camp + Woolsey + North Bay Complex Fires in March of 2019 that was impactful for all. We scheduled another for May 2020…but then COVID-19 got in the way.
In 2022, we were finally able to do it.
This year, we invited 126 orgs and 168 people to convene for three days and we began where we always must begin: with the fire affected communities. May we know each other, listen together, share best practices, and spread hope.
We were honored to have virtually every wildfire community since 2015 (Valley Fire, Lake County) across California, Colorado and Oregon represented.
For registration information and sponsorship opportunities, please email [email protected].
From the Workshops with Wildfire Community Leaders

The Milestones in the Long Term Recovery from Wildfire
Anyone who has experienced wildfire understands the road to recovery after is long and complex both for individual survivors, but for the community as a whole as well. Our Wildfire Leadership Summit offered an opportunity for wildfire community leaders to gather around the table with others who have been through this from different times and…

Thank you to the major sponsor of the Leadership Summit, Fannie Mae and their Disaster Response Network
Thanks to our Summit host Hanna Center and to
The Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety (IBHS) for their generous contribution,
for the travel support provided by Alaska Airlines and thanks to evening film event sponsor Obsidian Wine Company.